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Kids in Church

Sabbath school

In 1853, only a few years after the first group of Sabbath-keeping Adventists was formed in Washington, New Hampshire, James White organized the first regular Sabbath School in Rochester, New York. In 1852, estimating an informal membership of about 1,000 in the state of New York, White had written a series of 19 lessons appearing in the new Youth’s Instructor.

From its inception Sabbath School has focused on four emphases that are still prominent to this day: fellowship development, community outreach, Bible study, and foreign mission. A solid balance of these elements characterizes the most vital Sabbath Schools around the world.

Based on these four emphases, from its beginning in 1853, Sabbath School membership has exploded from a handful of believers in upstate New York to an estimated 14 million today.

“Sabbath School is one of the most important parts of Sabbath. It gives us the opportunity for fellowship, mission understanding, outreach and one of the greatest parts, Bible study and discussion. What a privilege to be able to study our Bible and the Adult Bible Study Guide in a small group setting and make the wonderful biblical instructions practical for our spiritual experience the next week. No one should miss Sabbath School!”—Ted N C Wilson, president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Here at Aranui Garden City Church, in addition to youth, we have the following Sabbath School Bible Study Groups that you are welcome to join when you visit us.


Cradle Roll (0-4yrs)

Primary (5-11yrs)

Teens (12-17yrs)

Adults Group

Children at School
Teens & Library
Bible discussion group

55 Rowan Avenue


Christchurch 8061

New Zealand

©2024 by Aranui Garden City  Seventh-day Adventist Church

Opening Hours:​ Saturday​

9:30am Bible Study Life Groups

10:30am Main Service

11:30am Bible Study Life Groups

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