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AGC Youth

Building bridges across the generation gap is a goal of AGC.

Here at Aranui Garden City we appreciate our young people and we care for them.  At AGC we aim to nurture and empower our young members.  Youth Ministry at AGC exists to lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship.

We understand what it’s like to drift in a broken and unstable world, it leaves you feeling anxious, lost and confused. The truth is you were created for more. 

‘I AM’ is a biographical documentary series that answers the big questions in life like who we are, why the world is so broken, and how to find hope and purpose. Each film has a short interactive lesson to help you on your journey to know who you are.


To access documentary series, please click on the below link.  We pray that may you be blessed as you  journey with God in discovering your purpose of existence.  Be purpose driven!

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Check below resources if you want to know your spiritual gifts.
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55 Rowan Avenue


Christchurch 8061

New Zealand

©2024 by Aranui Garden City  Seventh-day Adventist Church

Opening Hours:​ Saturday​

9:30am Bible Study Life Groups

10:30am Main Service

11:30am Bible Study Life Groups

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